Gallery : Slavic Village Listening Session
View highlights from CAC’s Listening Session at Golden Ciphers Youth Development and Cultural Arts Center in Cleveland’s Slavic Village.
View highlights from CAC’s Listening Session at Golden Ciphers Youth Development and Cultural Arts Center in Cleveland’s Slavic Village.
Sruti Basu, Cleveland Heights Street Team representative, talks about how residents create community and connect with others through culture.
Hank Smith has been retired from the Department of Veterans Affairs since 2008, but he keeps busy by working as a community activist in his East Cleveland community. Hank spent the summer crossing the county as a member of Cuyahoga Arts & Culture’s Street Team.
Have an idea to make your #CLE community better? Apply for a Neighborhood Connections grant. Workshops start today! More information at neighborhoodgrants.org
Arts and culture bring a lot to the greater Cleveland community, and I wanted my neighbors in CMHA housing to have a say on what they wanted to see in the community.
View selected images from CAC’s Listening Session at Detroit Shoreway Community Development on the near-west side of Cleveland.
Glenville Street Team member Gerome Anderson talks about what he heard throughout the project — focusing on leisure and quality of life with the young people of Cuyahoga County.
I’m involved in community activities on a regular basis, and this was the first time someone asked me to do something fun.
Deb works for Cleveland Metropolitan School District as Family and Community Engagement Coordinator. She spent the summer working on the Street Team, travelling throughout Cuyahoga County to discover what residents think about arts and culture in the community.
Delores is a resident of the Central neighborhood and serves as an advocate in her neighborhood as the Community Engagement Coordinator at Care Alliance Health Center. She volunteered her time as a member of the Street Team, hosting conversations to discover what residents think about arts and culture in the community.
Ohio City Street Team member Rachel Oscar discusses the process of hearing from the residents of Cuyahoga County.
There should be a public square in every neighborhood to allow for artistic expression.
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture approves $14.5M in grants to 241 organizations in Cuyahoga County.
I’m not sure what it looks like, but I want more arts and culture in communities of color and chances for children to gain an appreciation of arts.