Sruti Basu

Katy Koran

Dontè Gibbs

Robin Turner

Rahim Basit

Gerome Anderson

Liz Smith

LaShunda Lee

Augustus Turner

Rachel Oscar

Hank Smith

Deb Crane

Melissa Romain

Kaela Geschke
Listening Project Street Team
Pictured, a collection of dedicated volunteers who spent more than 250 hours in the community having one-on-one conversations with more than 1,200 residents of Cuyahoga County.
Cuyahoga Arts + Culture Staff
CAC’s eight-member team, led by Karen Gahl-Mills, CAC’s CEO + executive director.
Cuyahoga Arts + Culture Board of Trustees
Five dedicated Cuyahoga County residents and community leaders, appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by Cuyahoga County council.
Community Sounding Board
A group of 17 local leaders—representing a variety of sectors and fields—who volunteered time to provide advice and counsel to CAC’s planning process.
Planning Team
A coalition of experts and local partners.
Community Partners and Facilitators
These local organizations and individuals supported the community listening project by partnering with CAC to hold a deep dive conversation in their communities.